#918: emma, margaret, estra
, last check: Fri, 31 Jan 2025. Post history
Emma Willard was the first female mapmaker of the USA, she published the first USA history atlas where she made twelve maps as infographics
https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2018/06/18/americas-first-female-mapmaker/ -
Margaret Whiting Spilhaus, decorative cartographer and geography and history teacher, demonstrated how maps can be used as a pedagogic tool at primary schools
https://barronmaps.com/margaret-whiting-spilhaus-1889-1981-doorstep-baby-to-decorative-cartographer/ -
Estra Clark, British pictorial cartographer, pioneer, truly independent, artist, teacher, born at York, her cartography legacy are five exquisite designed maps