#929: hemisphere, malaria, distances, pesticides, leon, barcelona, bitcoin, flights, wrecks, painting
, last check: Thu, 28 Nov 2024. Post history
Almost all humans live in the same Earth Hemisphere
https://www.cntraveler.com/story/almost-everyone-on-earth-lives-in-the-same-hemisphere -
The Malaria Atlas provides several tools to explore data about this disease
https://map.ox.ac.uk/ | archive.org -
World Maps are not as you know them: they are really distorted and most of the shortest distances cross the poles
https://www.partir.com/carte/des-cartes-pour-comprendre-le-monde.html -
A preservation project for future generations is also producing a map of France pesticide victims
https://victimes-pesticides.fr/ -
"León Emergente" is a digital crowd-sourced atlas of the León city in Nicaragua
http://emergenteleon.org/ | archive.org -
"Barcelona + Sostenible" is a map of the contributions to make the city more sustainable, from small emerging initiatives to big sustained projects
https://bcnsostenible.cat/ -
A map of places where Bitcoin is accepted as currency, including also ATM locations
https://coinmap.org/ -
How to gather and process flight data to create detailed trace maps
https://mapsmith.net/2018/06/16/flight-data-visualization/ -
The Irish wreck catalog
https://dahg.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=89e50518e5f4437abfa6284ff39fd640 -
An art project using phones to paint traces of the logged movements