#931: sentinel-1, flow, globe, sahara, oil, drowned, summer, monsters
, last check: Wed, 26 Feb 2025. Post history
Experimental viewer of Sentinel-1 imagery that allows to adjust color bands display
https://kristofvantricht.users.earthengine.app/view/sarworld -
Visualizing large amount of geospatial flows (population migration, object displacement) using WebGL
https://github.com/teralytics/flowmap.gl -
A library to visualize 3D data made with Three.js via @bolosig
https://giojs.org/ -
Sahara sand traveled in June all the Atlantic ocean, arriving sand clouds to the Caribbean and even Texas
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/92358/here-comes-the-saharan-dust -
Around 61% of global oil transport is made via maritime traffic and there are some critical bottlenecks
https://www.eia.gov/beta/international/regions-topics.php?RegionTopicID=WOTC -
Visualizing the extent of the migratory crisis in the Mediterranean sea showing the number of deaths
http://santihpuig.com/map/missingmigrants_santihpuig.jpg -
The most beautiful cartographic productions from this summer semester students of TU Wien
https://cartography.tuwien.ac.at/great-student-projects-summer-2018/ -
2013 book "Sea Monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps" catalog
http://bibliodyssey.blogspot.com/2013/08/map-monsters.html | archive.org