#936: madrid, unionism, volcanoes, antarctica
, last check: Wed, 12 Feb 2025. Post history
Using old maps and views on a storymap to explain the evolution of Madrid between XVII and XX centuries
https://geogeeks.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=8b231feca657437e91b1d4d944445996 -
Map of violent incidents registered in Catalonia with political motivation about Spanish unionism since September 2017
https://comunicats.cat/geolocalitzacio-dels-incidents-violents-a-catalunya-a-favor-de-la-unitat-despanya/ -
How many people live close to active volcanoes in a cartogram, more than half billion people living in risk
https://geographical.co.uk/places/mapping/item/2826-under-the-volcanoes | archive.org -
The most precise map of Antarctica ever made with an 8m resolution using high-resolution satellite imagery