#944: tandem, computations, work, florence
, last check: Tue, 04 Mar 2025. Post history
MapKITE is a hybrid ground and aerial map making system where a drone follows a vehicle to obtain better precision with less work and production time
https://geonumerics.es/index.php/news/79-first-mapkite-campaign-officially-authorized-in-brazil -
A practical example on how to perform complex GIS processing using GPU.js: interpolating temperature on raster images using terrain data
https://geoexamples.com/other/2018/09/17/gpujs-example.html | archive.org -
Website and repository to follow the advances of the Spanish working group to produce an official map using vector tiles
https://sgtmapabaseigo.github.io/MapaBaseIGO | archive.org -
NOAA Remote Sensing Division imagery to support national security requirements and emergency response after Florence Hurricane