#963: migrants, resistance, predictions, business
, last check: Mon, 16 Dec 2024. Post history
The European migrants not just die at the Mediterranean, a website that gathers names, date, and location of all deaths at Calais and surroundings
https://neocarto.github.io/calais/ -
The maps industry and all the different companies around cartography are confronted by the volunteers' community that collaborates to generate Open Data
https://factordaily.com/an-open-source-resistance-takes-shape-as-tech-giants-race-to-map-the-world/ -
Using OSM POI dataset to try to predict some economic indicators trying to find a correlation between the main index, scripts available at Github
https://janakiev.com/blog/osm-predict-economic-indicators/ -
Open strategies explained with business vocabulary: how collaboration levels on many Open Source projects are higher than traditional endeavors