#967: deep, resistance, parks, bicycle
, last check: Tue, 11 Mar 2025. Post history
Raster Vision is a new Open Source environment to apply deep learning to aerial, satellite, and even oblique imagery. Python developed, it features a plugin system, even one for QGIS
https://rastervision.io/ -
Cartography of digital resistance is a partial presentation of a digital communication PhD thesis from Valladolid University
https://resistenciasdigitales.ushahidi.io/views/map -
The ten most USA popular national parks by the number of visitors, all represented together at the same scale for comparison
https://adventuresinmapping.com/2018/10/12/the-ten-most-visited-us-national-parks/amp -
Riding South America on a bike to develop crowd sourced cartography projects, helping the visited local communities