#975: lights, seabed, cemeteries, stadiums
, last check: Fri, 14 Feb 2025. Post history
The history of rural India electrification taken from 20 years of satellite imagery, and comparing more than 600 thousand villages
http://india.nightlights.io -
Interactive scroll map to explain the stunning discoveries of the Totaruni seabed, an island from the South of New Zealand
https://marlborough.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=155a89b0beb74035bd1c4c71f6f36646 -
The creepy map created for a cartography conference near Halloween dates: all 144.847 USA cemeteries and graveyards depict a pattern of death and history
https://www.joshuastevens.net/blog/graveyards-of-the-contiguous-usa/ -
Panem et circenses: 36% of the USA population lives closer than 50 kilometers of an NFL stadium, with 2016 data