#978: martin, stars, apple, r
, last check: Mon, 24 Feb 2025. Post history
Martin is a vector tiles server for big Postgis databases, written in Rust and Open Source
http://survey-smiles.com | archive.org -
The five biggest cities of each USA state portrayed as constellations, for sale as a poster, also available for European countries
https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/655697813/?ref=shop_home_active_6 -
After 4 years to create their own map from scratch, there's the first version of Apple maps covering 3.1% of USA land
https://www.justinobeirne.com/new-apple-maps -
"Geocomputation with R" is an Open Source book for geospatial data analysis, visualization, and modeling that accepts corrections and contributions
https://r.geocompx.org/foreword.html | archive.org