#989: novices, bikes, travel, temperatures
, last check: Mon, 10 Mar 2025. Post history
Some advice on basic programming skills for novice cartographers that wants to take the step forward from traditional map making into interactive web mapping
https://medium.com/@ralucagnicola/web-programming-for-cartographers-beyond-the-basics-cecac632551a -
A collaboration platform to gather and visualize quantitative data about bike parking in Barcelona is organizing a data collecting session this November 24th
https://current-eco.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=bc69e83050da4230b045313e793f56bf -
A personal website project to prepare and document your trips focused on travelers that want to register, share, and search for destination tips and thoughts
https://blog.nearfuturelaboratory.com/2018/10/11/hello-world-this-is-proximo/ -
Visualizing 12TB of weather data on a temperature map at 1950, 2017 and the 2100 forecast to highlight climate change