#994: art, snails, footprint, typing
, last check: Wed, 12 Feb 2025. Post history
Cartography is not just science, it's also art, or why maps apart from precise, need to be understandable
https://www.here.com/company/blog/cartography-isnt-just-a-science-its-an-art | archive.org -
Snail farming? A ton! And alpacas, flounders, rats... a filtrable animal breeding map made using Kepler from Catalonia Open Data
https://kepler.gl/#/demo?mapUrl=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/geostarters/kepler-datasets/master/explotacions-ramaderes.json -
Moving from traditional administrative boundaries to a more functional approach for urban zonification, even with new derived issues
https://cartonumerique.blogspot.com/2018/11/zonage-aires-urbaines.html -
With a bit of planning, some design, a clear objective, and lots of patience you can "draw" maps using an old-fashioned typewriter