#1034: biking, kebab, cancer, wealth
, last check: Wed, 12 Feb 2025. Post history
Valencian Region biking routes high-resolution map made by @santihpuig
http://santihpuig.com/map/cicloturismocv_santihpuig.jpg -
A crowdsourced interactive map to gather where to have a kebab or fries meal in France, by location, classification, and evaluation
https://www.kebab-frites.com/ -
Cancer mapping: first regional and departmental estimates of incidence and mortality for 24 cancers in France
https://www.santepubliquefrance.fr/les-actualites/2019/cartographie-des-cancers-premieres-estimations-regionales-et-departementales-de-l-incidence-et-de-la-mortalite-pour-24-cancers-en-france -
Los Angeles wealth as a terrain map displaying the inequalities of a city with 58 multimillionaire and 58 thousand homeless inhabitants