#1040: wanderlust, shadows, quakes, 3d
, last check: Wed, 26 Feb 2025. Post history
A social website to annotate places you visit or want to go, making recommendations for your next trips
https://www.roadgoat.com -
Using open software and data to generate realistic shaded relief representations: static, dynamic, interactive, 2D, and 3D
https://makina-corpus.com/sig-cartographie/representation-des-modeles-numeriques-de-terrain-sur-le-web-ombrage-et-3d -
A WebGL 3D globe exploring last 30 years of earthquakes with further information about each event
http://www.ninepointfive.org/ | archive.org -
Adding shaded relief to old topographic maps to give them a new spin using Blender, a short walk-through