#1046: china, green book, photos, corruption
, last check: Mon, 10 Feb 2025. Post history
The central position of China in the new Eurasian order looking at current and planned geostrategic projects and built infrastructures
https://aspeniaonline.it/la-cina-e-il-nuovo-ordine-euro-asiatico/ -
A route planner based in the Green Book content, the hotels, bars, and restaurants guide for USA black travelers at segregation times
https://publicdomain.nypl.org/greenbook-map/trip.html | archive.org -
A photo-essay of selected NASA Earth imagery presented as a book in several formats online and hardcover
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/earth-book-2019 -
A report that gathers documentation about the corruption around the real estate bubble and urbanism abuses at the Spanish Mediterranean coast