#1050: housing, point cloud, dataviz, qgis, sim city
, last check: Mon, 24 Feb 2025. Post history
France housing mobility, a study and interactive viewer of trends and regional impacts
https://observatoire-territoires.github.io/synthese_mob_resid/ -
CloudCompare is an Open Source software to process point clouds, with several plugins and a light viewer
https://www.cloudcompare.org/ -
A guide on how to select the correct data visualization technique, with a geospatial section via @xurxosanz
https://gramener.github.io/visual-vocabulary-vega/#/Spatial/ -
QGIS processing workflow workshop material, fresh from this year A Coruña User Conference
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GT0cIUBPNBdZzcaWnXtZjQlmbw6N_C5griux7Gj0nlU/edit#slide=id.p -
"Sim City" is 30 years old, and has inspired a pile of folks into urban planning