#1052: hand-drawing, tap water, paris, drone, flat earth, georgraphy
, last check: Wed, 26 Feb 2025. Post history
Anton Thomas has finished his four years long project to hand-draw the North American Continent via @realivansanchez
https://www.antonthomasart.com/ -
Frequent travelers useful map: a world map of countries where you can drink tap water
https://www.globehunters.ca/blog/safe-tap-water.htm -
A 3D view of Paris city hall Open Data buildings classified by the number of stories
https://www.sites.univ-rennes2.fr/mastersigat/Webmapping/Parisbati.html | archive.org -
Commercial software that combines advanced algorithms with AI to improve drone imagery
https://skylum.com/ -
"Behind the curve" is a Netflix documentary about flat earth believers all around the globe
https://www.behindthecurvefilm.com/ -
Festival of personal geographies, between 12 and 19 of March, explores how art can be used to create personalized maps