#1061: fairyland, coworking, osm, google, electrical, automatic maps
, last check: Tue, 14 Jan 2025. Post history
"The ancient map of Fairyland" is an imaginary 1920 map available in high-resolution at the LOC online collection
https://www.loc.gov/item/93684824/ -
A crowdsourced map to find the best coworking spaces for remote work
https://workplacelist.com/#/at/-8.65406,115.13363/zoom/16/bearing/0/pitch/60/style/default | archive.org -
All water bodies editions at the USA OpenStreetMap database between 2007 and 2019
https://vimeo.com/325854768 -
How Google’s Bad Data Wiped a Neighborhood off the Map: Inside the big, twisted industry of neighborhood data collection via @ibesora
https://onezero.medium.com/how-googles-bad-data-wiped-a-neighborhood-off-the-map-80c4c13f1c2b -
A new predictive model improves electrical grid mapping
https://engineering.fb.com/2019/01/25/connectivity/electrical-grid-mapping/ -
Toyota starts an experiment to produce automatic road maps using vehicle cameras
https://www.tri-ad.global/news/20190228 | archive.org