#1084: dem, cartography, maps, happiness, bees
, last check: Thu, 14 Nov 2024. Post history
A simple interface to download SRTM 30m elevation data via @xurxosanz
https://dwtkns.com/srtm30m/ -
Open Source Cartography: a workshop using QGIS and Inkscape to produce your next maps easily
https://github.com/MicheleTobias/OpenSourceCartography -
The first article about new projects using data and maps to solve local and global environmental problems
https://blog.mapbox.com/maps-for-a-changing-planet-part-1-639f93f76907 -
Visualizing the happiest and saddest country on every continent from the 2019 World Happiness Report
https://www.visualcapitalist.com/visualizing-the-happiest-country-on-every-continent/ -
A smart system to evaluate locations to place bee nests using COG images and land use data
https://app.beescape.org/ | archive.org