#1090: ridges, osm, holidays, retailers, gps, biodiveristy
, last check: Wed, 29 Jan 2025. Post history
Get into Joy Division mood with this library to generate ridge maps
https://github.com/ColCarroll/ridge_map -
Mapillary is experimenting on helping on improving OSM editing through automatic object detection
https://openstreetmap.us/2019/04/mapillary-guest-blog/ -
A world map of the top tourism destination by country
https://www.travelsupermarket.com/en-gb/travel-insurance/where-the-world-wants-to-go-on-holiday/ -
Retail analysts using satellite imagery to correlate car counts with sales
https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/05/stock-value-satellite-images-investing/586009/ -
NATO, UK and Russia army exercises in the Arctic are jamming GPS signal and giving trouble to some northern airports
https://aerospace.csis.org/data/gps-jamming-in-the-arctic-circle/ -
The Map Of Life provides indicators for biodiversity, species count, natural environment index, animals distribution, and much more