#1099: properties, gnss, tourism, award
, last check: Mon, 24 Feb 2025. Post history
Visualizing France DVF (property valuation requests) for all French properties trades for the last five years
https://app.dvf.etalab.gouv.fr/ -
Kickstarter campaign for MEDEA GNSS receiver, promising centimetric accuracy with data postprocessing
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rokubun/medea-gnss-navigation-receiver -
How maps can provide a partial view of the land, this is a case about Alsacian tourism maps
http://www.etourisme.info/quand-la-carte-fait-debat-au-lieu-de-linverse/ -
The European Commission awards @300000kms Barcelona Ciutat Vella land-use plan with the 2019 S+T+ARTS prize for fostering the alliance between technology and art