#1113: delivery, hacking, air quality, contours
, last check: Fri, 14 Feb 2025. Post history
A series of maps showing the most attractive delivery food types in Spain by province, and those that are growing faster
https://www.businessinsider.es/comida-domicilio-pide-cada-provincia-espanola-425699 -
A human-induced degradation of the GPS signal is canceling flights, as it avoids precise positioning
https://hackaday.com/2019/06/09/gps-and-ads-b-problems-cause-cancelled-flights/ -
Windy is adding an air quality layer, provided by Copernicus
https://www.windy.com/articles/global-air-quality-data-and-forecasts-from-the-copernicus-atmosphere-monitoring-service-cams-are-now-accessible-on-windy-8577?camsEu,pm2p5,49.923,-12.832,4 -
A monochrome contour map of Zurich surrounding hills