#1114: navigation, course, mapathon, human footprint
, last check: Wed, 26 Feb 2025. Post history
A flight trip planner with navigation specialized cartography and tools
https://skyvector.com/ -
A summer course in Pamplona (Spain) about GIS and Open Data, with Antonio Rodríguez, Miguel Sevilla-Callejo, Víctor Olaya, and others via @xurxosanz
https://www.cursosveranoupna.com/curso/sistemas-de-informacion-geografica-y-datos-abiertos/ -
How to organize a mapathon or a collaborative cartography session at a classroom cc. @xtec
https://geoconfluences.ens-lyon.fr/informations-scientifiques/dossiers-thematiques/geographie-espaces-scolaires/savoir-faire/mapathon-carto -
Understanding city behaviors through the human footprint measurements and a very understandable visualization