#1116: boundaries, cheatsheet, airbnb, deforestation
, last check: Tue, 11 Mar 2025. Post history
Enclaves & Exclaves, a story map about complicated boundaries
https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/e927741a6a1c4157a1e3a91a2645f3f8 -
A repository that collects many cheatsheets for Data Science
https://github.com/datasciencescoop/Data-Science--Cheat-Sheet | archive.org -
An exploratory analysis of Airbnb data to understand the rental landscape in Peru
https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNGJjYjY0YzktNjBlMC00MDg5LWIyZjYtOTQzZmM0NzA5ZGVlIiwidCI6Ijc1ZTcxMGJjLTU3NjktNGFiZi05YjI3LTRhMWJmMjAwNzg1NSJ9 -
A report about the deforestation of the Colombian Amazon, 56300 hectares over 2019