#1123: glitch, foss4g, venezuela, migration
, last check: Fri, 14 Feb 2025. Post history
Maps with Me is a simple Open Source application from @javier to develop crowd-sourced maps just using Twitter and Glitch
https://mapwithme.glitch.me/ -
Registers of Scotland report on how they migrated to Open Source systems, with quite a lot of effort, but also savings
https://insideros.blog/2019/06/25/how-our-gis-team-moved-to-open-source-systems/ | archive.org -
"Venezuela: A Mafia State?" is a 3 years investigation report, including maps, showing a worrying situation via @bolosig
https://insightcrime.org/investigations/venezuela-mafia-state/ -
The Atlas of Migration provides data and figures about migrants (PDF)