#1140: ethics, awards, population, projections
, last check: Tue, 11 Feb 2025. Post history
Data and geospatial technology are changing our society, on this website collaborations are requested to foster ethic discussions
https://ethicalgeo.org -
2019 Esri User Conference awarded maps gallery
https://www.esri.com/en-us/about/events/uc/save-date.html?rsource=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.esri.com%2Fen-us%2Fabout%2Fevents%2Fuc%2Fget-involved%2Fmap-gallery-results -
Scroll map to understand the evolution of Spanish population between 1874 and 2074
https://populate.tools/blog/exploracion-poblacion -
An interactive map projections tool with parametrization and visually appealing, including examples and basic explanations via @marc_torres_