#1153: land cover, coworking, youtuber, field, cities, vertical
, last check: Tue, 17 Dec 2024. Post history
Mapping 15 years of land cover change in America
https://www.mrlc.gov/tools -
Coworking in France, how they are impacting the territory, and the ways to learn, work, create, and share
https://cartotheque.cget.gouv.fr/cartes?filters%5Bquery%5D=&filters%5Bserie%5D%5BSerie%5D%5B3%5D=field.Serie:r%22Rapport+de+la+Mission+coworking%22¤t_page=1&category=&page_size=20&query= | archive.org -
The cartographer @John_M_Nelson has a Youtube channel where he shares techniques to generate attracting maps
https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnNelsonMaps?cbrd=1&ucbcb=1 -
QField for QGIS allows working on the field with Android mobile devices, and it is Open Source
https://github.com/opengisch/QField -
This experimental tool based on Earth Engine allows knowing the building period for cities anywhere using a three parameters analysis
https://geflanddegradation.users.earthengine.app/view/trendsearth-urban-mapper -
Vertical Atlas is a project to navigate the complex techno-geographies of our current world