#1157: postgis, patents, water, eo, lidar, vector tiles
, last check: Thu, 16 Jan 2025. Post history
This technical report elaborates on how to load accessible vector datasets into a PostGIS database with just one click
https://kokoalberti.com/articles/postgis-baselayers-importing-popular-vector-datasets-into-postgis/ -
30 years of geocoded patents allow developing a map of European innovations per country
https://medium.com/@tjukanov/finding-the-most-innovative-square-kilometer-in-europe-with-spatial-sql-46b0fc4bde62 -
Interactive Visualization of Flood and Heavy Rain Simulations: a real-time technique to visualize large-scale adaptive height fields with C1-continuous surface reconstruction
http://drivenbynostalgia.com/#waterrendering -
Landviewer is an Earth Observation platform, now also allowing change detection straight from your browser
https://eos.com/landviewer/landviewer-functionality/ -
This manufacturer provides portable LIDAR scanners to generate fast and precise 3D models
https://www.faro.com/es-MX/LP/GeoSLAM-Migration -
Postile is a PostGIS vector tiles renderer written in Python and compatible with OpenMapTiles screma