#1176: submarine, whales, moon, gerrymandering
, last check: Tue, 11 Feb 2025. Post history
The investments made by Google on submarine Internet cable
https://www.limesonline.com/carte/gli-investimenti-di-google-nei-cavi-internet-sottomarini-14705338/ -
A map showing captures and sightings of the USA whales hunting trips between 1784 and 1920
https://public.tableau.com/views/WhalingVoyages/Whales?:showVizHome=no -
Moon trees: where seeds that traveled on Apollo 14 mission were planted
https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/moon-trees-that-traveled-to-space-now-live-on-earth-where-are-they-now -
Districtr, an Open Source tool to redraw USA electoral districts at your pleasure via @sfggeogis