#1179: cycling, tanaka, cadastre, gondwana
, last check: Fri, 17 Jan 2025. Post history
A new version of an Open Source world cycling map from OSM data, with a new CartoCSS style
https://www.cyclosm.org/#map=12/52.3728/4.8936/cyclosm -
An Open Source globe of the world population using Tanaka style, made with R and D3
https://neocarto.hypotheses.org/6111 -
Open Source project to help to download Spanish Cadastre data into geopackage using Inspire Atom feeds
https://blog.geomati.co/post/187372693113/herramienta-de-consola-para-la-descarga-desde-el | archive.org -
Gondwana project continues working on a geometry model for continents dispersion