#1192: warming, photo mapping, biodiversity, drawing
, last check: Wed, 18 Dec 2024. Post history
How every part of the world has warmed since 1850 and how it will continue to warm according to different scenarios, via gontxatorre@mastodon.eus
https://www.carbonbrief.org/mapped-how-every-part-of-the-world-has-warmed-and-could-continue-to-warm/ -
20 volunteers take 5 thousand pictures of Downtown Boulder to generate a 3D model
https://pixel8earth.medium.com/the-boulder-3d-experiment-35a58d6af970 -
Humboldt maps are beautiful but wrong; this article vindicates the figure of Francisco José de Caldas
https://jorgecanizaresesguerra.medium.com/screw-humboldt-def1320213f5 -
The whole world is drawn including continents, islands, labels, frame, and icons using a single continuous line, PDF on sale to print it as big as you like