#1210: geohipster, hiking, commute
, last check: Fri, 20 Dec 2024. Post history
2020 GeoHipster calendar is available for sale. with an astounding selection of contributed maps
http://www.geohipster.com/2019/11/14/on-postgis-day-we-reveal-the-map-authors-for-our-2020-calendar/ -
The best 15 hikes around Switzerland; with maps and GPX traces available for download, and a range of difficulty
https://www.nzz.ch/gesellschaft/reise/hiking-in-switzerland-the-most-beautiful-hikes-ld.1408315 -
A 2016 map of France mobility showing trips between home and workplaces [FR]
https://visualizemap.github.io/visualizefrance/mapbox/communes-mobilites-pro.html | archive.org