#1227: 30daymapchallenge, libraries, usa, location intellence
, last check: Fri, 31 Jan 2025. Post history
@dakvid did a great effort to collect most of the 30 day Map Challenge submissions in a single gallery, searchable and filtrable
https://david.frigge.nz/30DayMapChallenge/index.html -
t@themappyisthour podcast talks about spatial and cartography librarians via @lluisanglada and @noraes
https://datalab.ucdavis.edu/2019/09/24/mappyist-hour-podcast-highlights-datalabs-michele-tobias-and-spatial-experts-working-in-libraries/ | archive.org -
"The 2100 Project: An Atlas for the Green New Deal" wants to set up the key aspects to revolutionize the way we produce and transform how and where do we live
https://mcharg.upenn.edu/2100-project-atlas-green-new-deal -
How @Jeff_App startup map department works to expand their business and improve their franchise effectivity