#1230: switch2osm, arepas, fragmentation
, last check: Wed, 11 Dec 2024. Post history
Why the Nukemap project moved from Google Maps to Mapbox/Leaflet via @realivansanchez
https://blog.nuclearsecrecy.com/2019/12/13/why-nukemap-isnt-on-google-maps-anymore/ -
This collaborative project in development helps you finding arepas and other Venezuelan meals around the world [ES]
https://buscatuarepa.com/ | archive.org -
Using satellite imagery to understand urban expansion for the province of Córdoba, Argentina [ES]
https://idecor.cba.gov.ar/la-diferencia-esta-en-la-fragmentacion-conoce-la-estructura-de-las-ciudades-de-cordoba/ | archive.org