#1236: terrorism, visibility, topo
, last check: Mon, 10 Mar 2025. Post history
This world map of all the Islamist terrorist attacks between 1979 and 2019 (33769) reports new insights, and it's also available as an open database
https://www.fondapol.org/carte-des-attentats-islamistes-dans-le-monde/ -
This tutorial explains how to make a visual impact analysis using QGIS, applied to the Urkulu tower in the Navarre Pyrenees
https://landscapearchaeology.org/2019/visual-impact-analysis/ -
These instructions help you produce a 1:25.000 topographic map of France with the IGN style using OSM data
Happy New Year!!!
I will be on holidays for the next week, see you later next week. Meanhwhile, as always, you can get your links directly from Raf, more details here: https://twitter.com/LinksGeo