#1310: honey, foss4g, remote sensing, 30daymapchallenge
, last check: Tue, 04 Mar 2025. Post history
The authors of this etymology map develop how the word honey migrated through civilizations over the centuries
https://www.guerrillacartography.org/blog/the-migration-of-the-word-honey-hPdXf -
«L’OSGeo et les logiciels libres en géomatique» is an introduction, including examples and definitions, to Free and Open Source Software for Geomatics
https://framagit.org/users/sign_in -
«Travaux Pratiques de Télédétection Spatiale II» is a collection of remote sensing exercises using Open Data and Open Source software
https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/240835 -
Following up on the 30 Day Map Challenge, this is a detailed development for 30 maps on all kinds of topics using the R programming language