#1342: layers, prisons, housing, myths
, last check: Wed, 26 Feb 2025. Post history
A geoportal that gathers all kind of geospatial layers from Catalonia, coming from different providers and themes
https://www.mapista.com/mapa.html -
The Prison Policy initiative studies the USA penitentiary system to inform about massive incarceration and the prejudices it produces in society
https://www.prisonpolicy.org/profiles/ -
"Who owns what in nyc?" provides information about housing owning information to rebalance the power dynamic between landlords and tenants via @sfggeogis
https://whoownswhat.justfix.org/en/ -
This map of Greek mythology shows the location and main characters of every myth
https://newlevant.com/illustration/map-of-greek-mythology?nav=1 | archive.org