#1343: glossary, plague, france, spain
, last check: Wed, 26 Feb 2025. Post history
The United Kingdom Geospatial Commission maintains this glossary of industry terms
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/geospatial-glossary/geospatial-glossary -
The locust plague keeps growing and moving, menacing crops all around, even getting into 80 million bugs per square kilometer
https://www.businessinsider.in/india/news/pictures-of-locust-attacks-in-jaipur-rajasthan-madhya-pradesh-uttar-pradesh/articleshow/76032310.cms | archive.org -
The topological map of France borders, where the longest is shared with Brazil
https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fyw2m2y5eqq351.png -
The Ocean Pacific Spanish domain, also known as the Spanish Lake, endured between 1520 and 1794 [ES]
https://www.geografiainfinita.com/2020/06/dominio-espanol-oceano-pacifico/ | archive.org