#1373: shades, point clouds, malta, rivers
, last check: Tue, 14 Jan 2025. Post history
Terrain shading is a QGIS plugin to project natural lighting on digital terrain elevation models
http://www.zoran-cuckovic.from.hr/QGIS-terrain-shading/ -
The future of 3D photorealistic models is a combination of several sources: LIDAR, aerial imagery, and phone pictures contributed by users
https://pixel8earth.medium.com/a-perpetually-updating-3d-reference-point-cloud-616eaa843251 -
The Malta Virtual Underwater Museum has galleries of images, videos, and 3D models of half a dozen exciting locations, impossible to observe otherwise
https://underwatermalta.org/ -
With a few design updates to improve readability, this nice North America river system schematic map by @pinakographos is available for sale