#1429: pac-man, routing, cars
, last check: Thu, 19 Dec 2024. Post history
PAC-MAN GEO converts any city's street network on a new level to share and enjoy with other players
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?hl=es&id=com.bandainamcoent.pacmangeo&cache=1602681121 | archive.org -
Openrouteservice offers a toolbox (isochrones, distances, routing instructions, etc.) based on OSM data with a limited free API via doolittle@mastodon.social
https://github.com/GIScience/openrouteservice-app/tree/dors -
This map shows the most popular electric car per country, a market with 2.1 million vehicles sold in 2019 with Tesla in the front lead