#1472: poverty, spain, styles
, last check: Wed, 18 Dec 2024. Post history
"Not Even Past: Social Vulnerability and the Legacy of Redlining" visualizes the original maps of segregation and the current situation of poverty and marginalization in many US cities
https://dsl.richmond.edu/socialvulnerability/map/#loc=11/42.38/-83.13&city=detroit-mi -
Two new base layers in the Spain's government GeoPortal: the indexes of environmental sensitivity for wind energy and photovoltaics, via PCRV
https://sig.mapama.gob.es/geoportal/ -
GeoStyler is an open source React library to style maps with the help of a GUI that allows conversions between different standards (SLD, OpenLayers, QML, Mapbox, GeoJSON, ...)