#1508: machinelearning, api-cnig, globe qgis
, last check: Mon, 24 Feb 2025. Post history
"A machine learning-based method for the large-scale evaluation of the qualities of the urban environment" evaluates the quality of the construction and maintenance of the facade of buildings automatically from street images
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0198971516301831 | archive.org -
IGN API allows you to easily integrate an interactive map viewer on any web page and configure it to consume WMC files, WMS and WMTS services, WFS services, KML files and other data sources, open source
https://twitter.com/nosolosig/status/1357259584147230721?s=19 -
Globe Builder is a plugin for Qgis that allows you to represent all kinds of data on a globe (and for example animate them with MMQGIS) for global views