#1509: 3dglobes, railway, photovoltaic, sentinel-2
, last check: Fri, 17 Jan 2025. Post history
"Le Monde en sphères. 2,500 ans d`histoire de la rappresentation de la Terre et de l`univers". is a virtual balloon exhibition of the twin BnF that took place in physical format in 2019 in Paris
https://expositions.bnf.fr/monde-en-spheres/ -
Experimental curvilinear diagram of the railway of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, made on the basis of arches and which completely blurs the spatial footprint characteristic of the area via @frankrodIII
https://frankrodriguez.net/ -
"Mapping of affordability levels for photovoltaic-based electricity generation in the solar belt of sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia and South Asia" geoanalyzes the affordability of solar photovoltaic systems to electrify communities in 71 countries
https://idp.nature.com/transit?redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nature.com%2Farticles%2Fs41598-021-82638-x&code=84caa6af-8721-4fd5-9528-6a6faee3ac6c -
A worldwide coverage with cloud-free and free Sentinel-2 images for your projects, which also has a WMS with different styles and is renewed annually