#1541: artists, environment, urbanization, corruption
, last check: Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Post history
World map to show which artists were most sought after in 2020 and which have been the most popular in each country during the pandemic, according to Google search data from February 2021
https://www.artsupplies.co.uk/blog/the-most-googled-artist-in-every-country-in-the-world/ -
Net Zero Data Observatory is an open project to create a collaborative tool that demonstrates the impact of collective responsibility on the environment and identifies personal and collective actions that facilitate zero emissions
https://netzero.dataobservatory.eu/post/2021-03-11-environmental_data/ | archive.org -
GHSL - Global human settlement layer, provides open and free data and tools to assess the human presence on the planet and measure, among other things, the degree of urbanization of the planet
https://human-settlement.emergency.copernicus.eu/ -
"La donación" is a visual and interactive tool that allows anyone to explore the complex phenomenon of corruption in the Spanish monarchy from the chronological, geographical and involved people dimensions