#1542: motion, pokémon, choropleth, agrifood
, last check: Wed, 26 Feb 2025. Post history
Movingpandas, the library of motion data analysis from GPS records, incorporates a very useful stop detection algorithm to make pauses in travel visible
https://towardsdatascience.com/stop-detection-in-gps-tracks-movingpandas-keplergl-point-map-with-stops-duration-in-bird-664064b3ccbc/ -
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Pokémon game, the map with the most popular Pokémon in each country in the world was created. In Spain it's Slowpoke and globally the most popular is Pikachu
https://thetoyzone.com/the-most-popular-pokemon-around-the-world -
Eurostat has released Image, a webapp that allows users to quickly make professional looking choropleth maps coroplètics with a series of predefined templates covering the EU, EFTA, candidate countries and the world
https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/wdn-20210218-1 -
The state of agri-food production in the Barcelona region in a study that compares data from the Catalan Council of Organic Agricultural Production (CCPAE) and the map of crops DUN-SIGPAC of the Generalitat de Catalunya