#1560: bathymetric, underwater, renewables
, last check: Mon, 10 Mar 2025. Post history
Bathymetric map of the Great Lakes, the largest group of freshwater bodies by extension and the second by volume, with depths reaching 400 meters
https://public.tableau.com/views/GreatLakes_16190123877390/GreatLakes?:language=en&:display_count=y&:origin=viz_share_link&:showVizHome=no -
A new bathymetry dataset and a new style sheet for making maritime maps, two options built into Mapbox Studio to represent the largest part of the Earth
https://www.mapbox.com/blog/new-bathymetry-tileset-and-style-for-marine-maps -
“Turning the Supertanker” is a scrollymap showing how China will make the transition from coal to renewable energy for electricity generation from now until 2040