#1564: madrid, wine, nautical, posidonia
, last check: Tue, 11 Feb 2025. Post history
"Madrid al aire libre" is a map of the selection, with photos and texts, of the most exotic or less known outdoor places in the capital to enjoy abroad via @fabiengirardin
https://share.proximo.world/p/60892a1278abd100143244d8/topo -
Map of the wine regions of the world, with the limits according to the European eAmbrosia catalog of legal entities and the relevant legislation in the rest of the world, with search by DO
https://worldwineregions.com/wwrmap/#view=2.42/48.73/17.8 -
OpenSeaMap, in the extension of the concept of OpenStreetMap, aims to add and present in a useful and pleasant way nautical and tourist information that may be of interest to sailors
http://openseamap.org/index.php?id=31&L=3 -
Posidonia maps is an app for Android and iOS to inform sailors about the seabed before anchoring and thus prevent damage to the ecosystem and protected areas around the islands