#1591: highways, policy, travels
, last check: Mon, 18 Nov 2024. Post history
1950s and 1960s highway boom radically transformed U.S. cities by increasing vehicle dependence, but now perhaps change can be reversed.
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/05/27/climate/us-cities-highway-removal.html -
After neoliberalism we have a new "place policy" based on the growing concentration of economic value in cities that is changing the functioning of labor markets
https://thenextwavefutures.wordpress.com/2021/05/12/after-neoliberalism-the-politics-of-place/ -
"De la Baltique à la mer Noire" and "Atlantique" are two new volumes in the collection "Odyssée, villas-portraits" by ENS Editions halfway between subjective geography and travel literature