#1594: agriculture, 3d, geodiff
, last check: Tue, 17 Dec 2024. Post history
The Precision Agriculture Toolbox that is part of the Whitebox GIS set provides three specific tools for precision farming: YieldFilter, RecreatePassLines and YieldMap
https://www.whiteboxgeo.com/whitebox-geospatial-releases-the-precision-agriculture-toolbox/ | archive.org -
Small 3D models from anywhere in the world printed and framed with a magnetic mounting system that allows you to have them on hand to observe them in detail
https://www.overview.design/collections/custom-commissions/products/tiny-topography-fully-custom-location-topographic-model -
geodiff is a library for comparing geospatial data, either with GeoPackage files or in PostGIS databases and also non-spatial SQLite and PostgreSQL