#1618: visualization, rethinking, explorers
, last check: Tue, 04 Mar 2025. Post history
Florence is a data visualization environment, based on graphics grammar and made with Svelte. It follows existing open web standards but emphasizing on cartography and visualization theory. via @marc_torres_
https://florence.spatialnetworkslab.org/ -
"The future of road infrastructure: junctions and crossroads" is an idea contest of the AMB (Barcelona Metropolitan Authority) to rethink mobility around Barcelona. It already has six winning proposals
https://www.amb.cat/web/amb/actualitat/sala-de-premsa/notes-de-premsa/detall/-/notapremsa/el-concurs-d-idees--nusos-i-cruilles--ja-te-sis-propostes-guanyadores/11211916/11696 -
"First You Make the Maps. How cartography made early modern global trade possible" is a very complete scrollymap of the cartography of the first explorers, with maps commented from 1300 to 1720