#1632: vectortiles, knowledge, lidar, forests
, last check: Fri, 24 Jan 2025. Post history
Vectipy is a minimalist vector tile server made with Python for all those projects that have spatial data in PotsGIS and want to share it in map format but without the added cost of deploying a cumbersome environment
https://geotribu.fr/articles/2021/2021-04-26_vectipy_postgis_mvt/ -
Mapcarta is an easy way to explore open knowledge compiled by all contributors to the OpenStreetMap, Wikidata, GeoNames, Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia, and Wikivoyage projects.
https://mapcarta.com/ -
Open-PhenoLiDAR is an open source package for the integration of LiDAR sensors in plant phenotyping and crop control applications
https://github.com/OpenAgriTech/Open-PhenoLiDAR -
Cross-Forest is an infrastructure of digital open forest data services shared between Portugal and Spain for the publication of inventories and forest maps in Linked Open Data format following the INSPIRE recommendations